Mark Twain’s Early Years

Review and analysis of Mark Twain’s `Innocents Abroad`.

This paper briefly describes Mark Twain’s book about his trip to Europe and the Middle East, Innocents Abroad. The paper highlights the main themes found in the book and describes how Twain would combine these themes in order to paint vivid and revealing portraits of the places he visited.
In Mark Twain’s early years as a popular writer, he created a personality and a voice that comes through loud and clear in his collection of reminiscences from his first trip abroad, published as The Innocents Abroad. That voice is the curmudgeon, because he has nothing good to say about much of anything, except if it is ancient, and even then, he does not always admire the sight. His personality appears bigger than life, perhaps, because of the uneven writing in The Innocents Abroad as well as in Roughing It and Life on the Mississippi. (Emerson 1984) But in The Innocents Abroad, Twain seems to come into his own toward the end of the book and the trip, in the section involving Palestine.