Malpractice Suits

This paper discusses effects of the increase of malpractice suits on the doctor and the patient.

Recent and current malpractice problems have had a decisive effect on both citizens and on the medical profession. This is true because malpractice suits have risen alarmingly in the past few years to raise the cost on insurance for doctors and alert the public to the possibility of malpractice.
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Certain cases have also resulted in awards of remarkable sums of money to the victims. One such case that involved 45 lawsuits filed against Dr. Leon William Bleiberg in southern California is an example. By the end of 1974 at least 19 of them had been concluded, either by settlement or by verdicts against Bleiberg so that damages reported were over $1 million. The doctor had prevailed in two early cases and one had been dropped by the plaintiff. By the time 23 remained, the awards for damages had reached the $200,000 level. Total damages …