
A discussion of Madonna and her controversial statements about the role of women.

This paper presents an examination of the entertainer Madonna’s videos and their statement about the societal role of women. It discusses the evolution of females in society over the years through the changes in Madonna’s released videos and focuses on her empowerment of women through her music and videos. It looks at how Madonna spent two decades tearing down preconceived notions of what women were expected to do and how she worked to re-instate the ability to be feminine and proved to the world it does not mean giving up the ability to compete in business.
“It has been said that music is the universal language. It is alleged to have the ability to calm savage beasts, make couples fall in love, and incite violence. Throughout the years music has also had a significant influence on the involvement of women. The women’s rights movement of the 1960’s started the ball rolling toward equality but when it came to issues such as sexuality and the freedom of females to express themselves there was still a stigma about what “kind” of woman expressed her sexuality. The entire issue of sexual openness and women in the music industry was taken by the horns and challenged by Madonna. The sexuality of women was not the only area in which Madonna broke through the glass barriers.”