Machines against Man

A discussion of the dehumanization of man by machines and the industrial age in Charlie Chaplin’s Film ‘Modern Time’ .

A presentation and examination of a Charlie Chaplin Film ‘Modern Time’ and Robert Lynd’s book called “Middletown” which describe the struggle against the dehumanization of the proletarian man by machine and the Industrial age. The author finds that the industrial age, while profitable from a financial standpoint for those who were in charge, dehumanized the proletarian man as well. The machine knocked him out of the running and sent him home to explain to his family that he was no longer able to provide.
“The Industrial Age was one that moved mankind ahead in leaps and bounds. Within the few years of its explosion and growth the ability to use technology to speed up tasks and to get them done with precision allowed the world to concentrate on other expansions and needs. The Industrial Age was a boon to those who rode the top of the age to success, however, for many millions around the nation and the world the age actually set them back. The Industrial Age, while profitable form a financial standpoint for those who were in charge, it dehumanized the proletarian man as well. The machine knocked him out of the running and sent him home to explain to his family that he was no longer able to provide. There are two classic examples of what the Industrial Age did regarding the proletarian man. The movie by the late Charlie Chaplin called Modern Time (1956) and the book called Middletown by Robert Lynd both illustrate the ways the machine replaced the man. ”