Lucien Bianco on Reform in the Kuomintang Era

An analysis of Lucien Bianco’s view on the possibility of successful reform in the Kuomintang Era.

The paper discusses Lucien Bianco’s statement where he considers the ultimate failure of the Kuomintang regime as not being of its own making but, rather, due to the course of external events. The paper examines the validity of this statement in the context of Bianco’s broader work and argues that it is valid only in a technical sense. The paper explains that in reality, the prospects for gradual reform were so distant under the Kuomintang regime that it can only technically be said that the regime ran out of time.
This quotation is interesting as it reveals, in brief, the importance of context in the analysis of Bianco’s complex, interlocking arguments. As we can see, Bianco does not consider the Kuomintang as being a regime characterized by moderation and restraint in any respect. However, it is only when contrasted with the radical revolutionary program of the Communists that the Kuomintang policies can be said to be reformist. In this analysis, the highly reactionary Kuomintang can be said to be advocates of gradual change only in the sense that they did not call for radical social and political revolution in China.
From this perspective, we can understand the prime importance of context in the analysis of political and historical citations and statements. Thus, it is clear that an accurate assessment of the validity of Bianco’s statement that the Kuomintang regime `ran out of time` in terms of gradual change and reform, we must fully understand the broader tapestry of arguments and political analyses of which this statement is a minor component.”