Long-Term Unemployment in Russia

This paper is a dissertation proposal to study the economic and political factors contributing to the time path of unemployment in Russia as compared to former Eastern Block countries.

This paper explains that the Russian delay in achieving low unemployment can be directly attributed to reasons of education, specific human capital mismatch, low wages, tax schemes designed to punitively tax so-called excess profits, and other factors. The author points out that Russian unemployment figures have been difficult to come by in the past, due in part to the country’s definition of unemployment, and the way employment and unemployment are measured by the government. The paper states that the dissertation will examine time points in the data of major market indicators, such as employment levels, wages, and availability of various factors of production of each of the countries to illuminate the causal effects of economic and political practices affecting rates of unemployment in Russia and selected former satellite countries.

Table of Contents
Dissertation Plan
Proposed Content Synopsis
Factors Effecting Unemployment and the Difference between General and Transitional Unemployment
Economic Determinants of Employment Levels
Expected Results of Transitional Economies
Looking at the Data
Current economic models attempt to explain the determinants that affect levels of employment. These include where the employment equilibrium sits, how short and long run economic factors affect the equilibrium, and what short and long run factors in Russia and the chosen former Soviet block countries are contributing to the overall unemployment levels of these countries. Aside from internal pressures, Russia’s response to external factors, such as WTO accession on Russian economy have profound effects on Russia’s overall economic health and of course on its rate of short and long-term unemployment.