Leadership in Business

A study of leadership within the transit industry.

This study examines leadership ethics as an essential right of passage for leaders/managers working in the transit industry. The paper shows the need to examine the importance of understanding and teaching ethics to leaders in the transit industry and looks at why ethical considerations are necessary for transit leaders. First, the writer develops a theoretical framework for defining ethics as a right of passage for leaders in the transit industry. Then the paper develops a framework for establishing leadership training programs for transit authorities that includes and outlines appropriate ethical standards for the given population.
“A leadership strategy founded in ethics that is rule-based and dictated by procedures will likely be “insufficient in capacity to engage employees and the public because it will fail to understand the true nature of business” (Keen, 2000). Ethics need be embedded in “a foundation of virtuous behavior in order to authenticate business and corporate integrity and encourage trust to maintain stability within operation and business practices” (Keen, 2000). Therefore, it is critical that this study ascertain the true nature of the transit industry, and thus build an ethical foundation for success in leadership based on sound governing principles that will engage the public. The resulting framework to be develop will not be dictated by extraneous rules and procedures, but rather formed as a result of the insight provided by consumers and leaders through surveying of the population.”