Internet Business Plan

Presents a proposal for Internet integration for Bumble Products and Services (BPS).

The backbone of any information management structure is the Internet. For businesses seeking to move into the world of e-commerce, the Internet has become the number one tool for collecting and disseminating sales and marketing data. This paper is a proposal for Bumble Products and Services to make this move. It outlines four steps that organizations take in order to bring their business operations to a working level. The paper then performs a SWOT analysis of BPS to determine which software package will most properly suit the company’s needs.
Some companies are satisfied with creating an internet based sales platform. While this is a first step in the process of harnessing the power of the internet for our company, an ecommerce center will begin a transformation of our company culture, and will open new doors for opportunity for the company’s further growth. Entering this transformation and then not fully adapting to all that the internet has to offer will only lead the company to this same place in 3-5 years. Those companies that fully adapt to the internet based culture will continue to grow, and evolve with the new technology and opportunities which the internet will present to them.