International Media Report

An serious analysis of international news coverage in the printed press, focusing on business and economic issues.

This paper examines the relationships between major news sources around the world comparing international coverage of major news events to that of North American coverage. The paper compares news reports from many different newspapers from all over the world, including South Africa, Australia, Israel, Canada. The writer points out the differences between the various international news reports on the same topics.
“The business and economical news from six major news sources have been carefully observed over the past six weeks. When discussing the economic or business news, world trade or welfare, the various media sources examined proved to take a multitude of approaches. Whereas most sources do indeed have separate sections entitled Business or Economy, which made for relatively easy comparisons, their focuses are truly unique. My findings include sources such as The Sunday Times (of South Africa), that focus on mainly local business happenings. On the rather surprising flip side, some sources were internationally influenced, such as The Sydney Morning Herald (of Australia), which seemingly minimized local issues in order to report on the significance of American business news. Upon saying this, in the international or “non-North American” sources observed, the Canadian business news was not only overshadowed by that of current U.S. economic updates, but downright ignored.”