International Business Management

A look at the changing role of organizational culture in business management.

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This paper examines how the era of improving business management through the acquisition of new equipment or designing a new manufacturing process seems to be drawing to a close and how the global economy, which is increasingly based on knowledge and knowledge management (KM), is becoming more dependant on the way in which people can work together, rather than the way in which cogs in a machine interact. It explores how the digital, global economy has allowed businesses to diversify their approach to managing people and how the individual in the company has slowly become recognized as possessing just as much value, if not more, than the machinery or computer equipment with which he works.
“According to Tony Morden, issues of effective management are being tied to international culture. Both elements, which can be unique expressions of an individual organization or culture, are understood to be affectively related to the commitment of the individual to their organization. Morden quotes research by Hofstede, Hampden-Turne and Trompenaars who are “contributors to the rapidly developing body of experience and knowledge about international culture and management” their work supports an understanding in which cultural interpretation and adaptation are a prerequisite to the comparative understanding of national and international management practice.”