Inclusive Education and Legislation

A look at federal legislation on public schools system for inclusive education.

This is a paper discussing the impact on Federal Legislation on current status of inclusion into the public school systems. It addresses the precedences this legislation could set and what the effects on general education across America will be. The legislation requires schools to assure that students make continuous and substantial academic improvement and that students reach a proficient level within twelve years.
“On December 18, 2001 Senate approved the landmark educational reform legislation, the legislation included a $26.5 billion education reform measure that demands new accountability for low-performing school. The legislation also provides assistance to the most needy schools and students of the nation. The legislation is the most sweeping federal school bill since President Lyndon Johnson signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in 1965. The new legislation creates new testing and accountability systems and also adds new literacy, after-school and teacher quality initiatives. The bill also features several provisions authored by Senator Feinstein including the better direction if the title I funds to reflect the real number of poor students, the formation of a new ‘master’ teaching program, creating smaller schools environments and enhancements to the 1994 Fun-Free Schools Act. The House overwhelmingly approved the measures last week and president Bush signed the bill. Senator Feinstein stated on the legislation: “The bipartisan education pill puts in place some strong and unprecedented reforms to make our schools more accountable and help students learn more. For the general public the legislation helps assure our schools get real results and that we know what those results are [Charter Friends 2002].”