In Support of Gun Control

A paper which argues in support of firearm regulations since the infiltration of guns into the seedier criminal underworld has created a situation that police cannot begin to contain.

The paper discusses both sides of the gun control debate but ultimately argues that stricter regulations will help the situation in the United States. It argues that with the proposed gun control plan, proponents say much of the senseless violence would cease immediately; however, opponents to the restriction contend that the bad element of society will always find a way to acquire firearms whether they are banned or not. The paper shows that one only has to listen to the news broadcasts or view the headlines of any newspaper across the country to comprehend how guns are directly related to a majority of violent crimes committed on today’s world. It shows how it is clear to see that by eliminating the source of violence, the crime will be substantially eliminated, as well.
Without question, the ability to obtain firearms will continue to encourage potential criminals to carry out their assaults. Studies have found that there is a portion of the felonious society who would not otherwise commit the crime without the safety net of a handgun. The very essence of having a gun is one of empowerment for the person using it to commit a violent act (Kleck, 1997). Support for the gun control proposal does not equate to a banning of all firearms; rather, it represents society taking the necessary and overdue steps toward regaining control of escalating crime crime that, in most instances, utilizes handguns to carry out the act.