If there is ever any doubt that health and safety risk management procedures and practices are not being adhered to

If there is ever any doubt that health and safety risk management procedures and practices are not being adhered to, then immediate action is needed. Within my workplace we have a responsible individual who ensures that risk assessments are up to date and factual, however the staff and management team as a whole have an overall responsibility for reporting any areas or issues which may jeopardize the safety and wellbeing of the service users, staffs and visitors. The usual course of action taken when a health and safety issue is highlighted is to contact the company’s maintenance team who will then, address any issues without delay and ensure that necessary steps are taken to amend the problem. There are however at times, instances whereby a staff member may not be following basic procedures or may be taking unnecessary risks in relation to health and safety issues. This again is dealt with swiftly and without delay, usually through formal supervision or immediate action by myself. At times, simple refresher training is all that is required to ensure that a repeat of the same action does not occur again. If noncompliance is down to a service user, then advice and support is offered and clear expectations and guidelines are explained, to prevent further occurrences and information is logged and recorded and shared with any necessary third parties. During team meetings, health and safety is always an item on the agenda. I use this opportunity to find out if there are any issues of concern and if a refresher course is necessary, if there is a new update, I use the opportunity to inform and educate staffs. There are posters indicating staffs that are responsible for First Aid in the unit and also, there is acknowledgment form to sign after staffs have been trained on health and safety. I ensure that all staffs are adhering to the Health and Safety procedure of the company.