Human rights known since the existence of ancient civilizations

Human rights known since the existence of ancient civilizations. However, the tragic events of the Second World War of 1939-1945, has led to the apparent disappointing conclusion that human rights are not always respected everywhere. That is why on 10 December 1948 by representatives of 50 states members of the United Nations teamed up under the leadership of E. Roosevelt, to determine all the rights that should have every person on the planet and secure them in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. At present, people still are struggling to ensure the rights and their protection, moreover, they openly advocate the extension of rights in various fields.
Nowadays the use of the concept of “human rights” has become quite widely used both in everyday life and in political processes, the more space it occupies and in academic research. However, in science and particularly in political and legal sciences, while there is no one universally accepted definition of this concept. Perhaps it is because scholars of human rights have different opinions about the boundaries of the term.