Hormone Replacement Therapy For Menopause Years after years the dilemma regarding the hormone replacement therapy in cases of menopause is heavily discussed in medical establishments

Hormone Replacement Therapy For Menopause
Years after years the dilemma regarding the hormone replacement therapy in cases of menopause is heavily discussed in medical establishments. Some believe it to help women go through tremendous changes in their bodies as well as mind, others emphasize side effects which may be even more destructive than the menopause itself. Even though, this question is still researched and analysed, we will try to look at all the information we have today and make some conclusions.

Obviously, just like any other treatment, HRT requires total body examination and consultations with a variety of doctors. One may go to the specialised clinic National HRT straightaway or start with numerous consultations with different specialists and then consult with a HRT specialists. Anyways, before deciding on HRT or any other treatment, one should learn the topic in details, get professional consultations and choose what works the best.

HRT In Details
To begin with, let us define the hormone replacement therapy and cases when it may be applied. Imagine a situation when some processes stop functioning in your organism. How does it impact the rest of the body? Given the interconnectedness of operations and systems in our bodies, absence of one component results in an array of changes in the whole body. And these can be treated by replacement of lacking parts and their injection back into organism.

That is why we understand HRT as a treatment used to augment the body’s natural hormone levels. It is usually applied in two major cases: after hysterectomy or during a menopause. Why so? Because in cases of hysterectomy, which is literally a removal of all or a part of a woman’s uterus, comes a menopause causing the reduction of the amount of natural estrogen and progesterone in the ovaries. This causes a variety of symptoms, including:
hot flashes;
night sweats;
trouble sleeping;
mood swings;
decrease of sexual interest;
body changes.

For now, it seems that HRT is a perfect solution for women seeking alleviation of their symptoms when the menopause starts to disturb them. However, just anything in life, there are also risks and disadvantages. For instance, HRT may prove to be dangerous for women with breast cancer, heart disease, liver disease, or a history of blood clots. Moreover, women without menopausal symptoms are also not candidates for hormone replacement therapy.

There is also a highly discussed issue of cancer risks which is still being studied and researched. The conclusion for now, is though, HRT remains one of the most effective and widely used therapies alleviating serious symptoms of menopause. It does not only help women to cope with annoying symptoms, but also stabilizes moods swings which together with an understanding of the menopause occuring may disturb psychological health of women.