Homeless Prevention

Discussion of an agency, called Project Paul, designed to provide services to those in jeopardy of becoming homeless.

This paper looks at the problem of homelessness and its far-reaching consequences. The paper points out that homelessness is not a problem limited to the unfit or mentally ill and that, often, the homeless are comprised of families with children. The paper goes on to talk about homeless prevention programs, with particular emphasis on the agency, Project Paul. The paper explains the purpose of Project Paul, how it functions, and some of the approaches that are taken to helping those who face the possibility of homelessness.
“There’s a man standing on the corner with a sign that says, will work for food. Behind him, in an old, battered Chevrolet, sits a woman that looks like she might be his wife. Three children, ages two, four and eight, are in the back seat, staring out the window. If one were to talk with the man and his family it’s possible that his story would be closer to the average person’s reality than expected. This man was working as a mechanic at a quick service station and making a little more than minimum wage. He didn’t have insurance; his children were receiving extra help from Medicaid. He didn’t want to go to the welfare department but found he had to, in order to feed his kids. He got a second job, working as a security officer at night. It wasn’t much but it helped. Then he was laid off from his day job. The wages from his night job barely paid the rent and utilities.”