Hitler’s Waffen SS Troops

This paper studies the origins, functions, political and military purposes and demise of the elitist Nazi police force, Hitler’s Waffen SS Troops.

The purpose of this research is to examine the origin, purpose and demise of the Waffen SS.

Following the Battle of the Somme in 1914, all German divisions were expected to train and maintain at least one battalion of crack assault units, who were subjected to especially rigorous training and used only in the event of a major push. The name given to such a unit was Stosstrupp, or Shock Troop. Stosstrupp was also the name first given to what is known better as the Schutzstaffeln, or SS.
At least one commentator. has seen a parallel between the Shock Troops of World War I and the armed Schutzstaffeln, or Waffen SS, of World War II. Both were separated from the regular land army by virtue of their harder training and special privileges. There is no direct link between the two military …