A literary analysis of the poem “High Treason” by Jose Emilio Pacheco.
The paper analyzes Jose Emilio Pacheco’s use of simple literary language in order to get his point across in his poem, High Treason. The paper shows that by writing a poem without the usual metaphorical tangles and without persistent and subtle puns Pacheco has created a verse that a normal person can understand. It shows too that the poem’s effectiveness is in its simplicity.
“This poem “High Treason” by Jose Emilio Pacheco is one that can make an impact on everyone who reads it. It is a poem that one cannot dismiss as one only for a particular country because of the way that the poet has written it. He has used very general terms in it that can be applied to almost all countries. Aside from this, the poet has also stressed, but not in so many words, that in spite of all that a country might be there is never enough that one can do for his or her country. This is a theme that is actually seen throughout the poem. In the beginning he has shown this in the words, “I do not love my country. Its abstract luster is beyond my grasp. But (although it sounds bad) I would give my life”. Aside from these words to express the patriotism that one should have, the poet has also used the following words, “I would give my life” for “various figures from its history”, indicating the respect one should have for those in the past who have sacrificed their lives for their country.”