Hewlett Packard

This paper discusses the importance of the 1980s decade in the history of HP.

The following paper discusses how HP was completely unknown in the world of printers before 1980s. The writer examines how the 1980’s saw the company make its entry into this field and since then has become one of the leading manufacturers of printers in the United States. This paper also examines the strategy changes in the firm as HP prepared itself for more speed and efficiency in its business operations, towards the end of the 80’s.
“Hewlett-Packard, a company, which is today known for its high quality printers and wide range of other products including personal computers and portable machines, was equally successful in the 1980s. This was the decade that can easily be called the most productive decade in the company’s history and these ten years gave the company the niche that it was looking for. While it was the area of personal computers where the company was focusing its attention in the early part of this decade, it was soon to discover that its niche market was not exactly minicomputers when the company stepped into the business of printers and introduced for the very fist time inexpensive inkjet and laser jet printers. It is extremely important to understand that this decade saw the entry of this technology company into the field of printers and thus marked the end of dot-matrix printers. With a new market having been discovered, the company quickly started growing so much so that by the end of this decade, HP did not only celebrate its 50th anniversary but was also regarded as one of the top tech companies in the United States.”