
An analysis of the treatment of hemodialysis for renal disease patients, including a look at the nurse’s role in the treatment.

This paper examines the impact of hemodialysis on End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patients. The paper discusses the vital role played by the nurse, in hemodialysis treatments. The paper outlines the different treatments available to ESRD patients, and focuses on the option of hemodialysis. This treatment is explained in detail, including the practicalities of how it works and what it does, and the costs involved. The paper presents the option for ESRD patients, of undergoing the treatment in the hospital or at home. Statistics are provided regarding the patients choices as well as regarding the different costs.

Hemodialysis as the Choice of Treatment
The Increasing Role of Hemodialysis Nurse
How Nurses Develop Themselves
It is a difficult condition of a kidney failure when one’s kidney could no longer carry out the proper metabolism system to eliminate waste products. Kidney is the essential organ that is responsible in waste elimination, including others like detoxification process of drugs and toxic materials, also in controlling water balance, salt balance, blood pressures and secrete hormones (Crawford, 2002). When both kidneys fail to function, which comes to the End Stage Renal Disease, there is suddenly a loss of control to the fluid balance. The kidney cannot filter the fluid and therefore metabolism waste, toxic, salt and water accumulate in the blood, causing swell on the tissues, high blood pressure and heart disease. Until now, there is no medication offered to cure ESRD. The current treatments to this disease are hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, or kidney transplant.