Genetic Modification of Food

This paper is an extensive discussion of genetic modification (GM) of food, also known as genetic engineering, genetic manipulation, gene technology, and recombinant DNA technology, which is the most recent application of biotechnology to food.

This paper explains that, for many centuries, farmers fought pests using everything from usual plant-breeding techniques to chemicals, such as pesticides and herbicides; but, as new chemical treatments increased health and environmental concerns, gene modification became the agro-scientists tool for advancing molecular biology. The author points out that over 40 plant varieties have completed all of the federal requirements for commercialization as per the FDA and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The paper explains that, although customers in the U. S. are accepting GM foods, customers in Japan are beginning to show a strong liking for unmodified fruits and vegetables in supermarkets offering both GM foods and unmodified foods.

Table of Contents
Do We Need Genetically Modified Food?
Does the Human Race Need GM Food?
Background Information on the Types of Plant Genetic Engineering
The Worldwide Issue of GM Food, Advantages and Disadvantages
How Prevalent are GM Foods?
What Plants Are Used?
Genetic Engineering Techniques
Other Issues
How GM foods are Regulated and the Government’s Role
What Limits are Put on Farmers?
How they are Labeled for the General Public?
Ethical and Social Aspects Involved and Implications for the Third World
Genetically modified foods (GM foods or GMF) provide opportunities to swiftly enhance crop nature such as yield, pest resistance, or herbicide tolerance, which is not successful with conventional methods. From the predecessor to plastics to consumable vaccines, GM crops can be molded to make completely artificial substances. The methods of modern genetics have made it probable for the direct action of the genetic makeup of organisms. Using genetic engineering, plants from wild relatives, other distantly related plants, or almost any other organism can be relocated with simple genetic qualities into the crop.