Full Inclusion in Schools

This paper introduces, discusses and analyzes the topic of Full Inclusion, which calls for the integration of students with disabilities into regular classrooms in the United States’ education systems.

This paper supports Full Inclusion and describes the use of it in the classroom, which may be controversial and problematic in some areas but is functioning in school districts across the nation. The author states that studies have proven that full inclusion aids in a student’s personal and educational involvement and assimilation. The paper argues that more funding should be made available.
“The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (P.L. 94-142) first discussed the issue of full inclusion of students with disabilities in 1975. The act guaranteed “free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment” for all children with disabilities. In 1991, the act was amended and renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). However, the act did not mandate full inclusion, and the courts have ruled on several different conceptions of the Act and its meaning. Schools are not required to provide full inclusion to students, and many do not, for a variety of reasons, including funding, lack of teacher training, and even misinterpretation of the term.”