French Defeat in Indochina

A discussion of French occupation and eventual defeat in Indochina.

This paper analyses and discusses why the French were defeated by the Vietnamese in Indochina. The paper explains that there were three stages to the defeat: Firstly the conduct of many nations and movements during and after the Second World War placed France at a great disadvantage when they attempted to reclaim their colonial possessions in the region, contrasting the relative ease with which Britain reasserted itself in Malaya and the U.S.A. in the Philippines immediately after the war. Secondly the French administration did itself a great disservice when the opportunity for negotiation with nationalist forces arose. Finally the French were defeated militarily due to a wide range of factors including the popularity and numerical superiority of their enemy, international support for the Vietminh, discrepancy between the quality of French leadership and that of the communists, and the superiority of Vietminh tactics given the conditions under which the war was fought.
“After over one hundred years of colonial rule in Indochina, France withdrew from Southeast Asia, defeated by the communist-nationalist Vietminh. There were many reasons for this loss. French defeat came in three stages. Firstly the conduct of many nations and movements during and after the Second World War placed France at a great disadvantage when they attempted to reclaim their colonial possessions in the region, contrasting the relative ease with which Britain reasserted itself in Malaya and the USA in the Philippines immediately after the war. Secondly the French administration did itself a great disservice when the opportunity for negotiation with nationalist forces arose. Finally the French were defeated militarily due to a wide range of factors including the popularity and numerical superiority of their enemy, international support for the Vietminh, discrepancy between the quality of French leadership and that of the communists, and the superiority of Vietminh tactics given the conditions under which the war was fought.”