Flannery O’Connor

This paper discusses two stories by Flannery O’Connor, `Revelation` and `Everything that Rises Must Converge`.

This paper examines the characters in `Revelation` and `Everything that Rises Must Converge` and the way O’Connor uses them to illustrate the absurdity of self-absorption and arrogance. The author points out that both stories illustrate how O’Connor uses everyday circumstances and people to make her points. Some individuals never fully grasp the extent of their prejudice; on the other hand, others do, but only after a shocking jolt of reality. The paper concludes that, by crafting realistic characters that experience radical situations, O’Connor illustrates the frailty and the strength of the human will.
In the story Revelation, the character of observation is Mrs. Turpin, who believes she is a good person. However, as we read the story, we become aware that Mrs. Turpin’s value system leaves much to be desired. We discover that she determines an individual’s worth by race or how much property an individual owns. In fact, we are told that she lies in bed at night naming the classes of people (O’Connor 405). However, her system is flawed because she has difficulty classifying common people who had a lot of money , who ought to be below she and Claud (405), good people who had lost their money and colored people who owned their homes and land (405-6). These thoughts illustrate Mrs. Turpin’s shallow thinking.