First Things First

A review of the book “First Things First: To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy,” by Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, and Rebecca R. Merrill.

This paper introduces, discusses, and analyzes the above book. Specifically, it provides a look at how the principles presented in this book enhance people’s productivity as a professional and their efforts in developing proposals. The paper describes the four sections of the book, and illustrates the information outlined in each section – effective time management, prioritizing, how to successfully manage work and personal lives, and how to live by specific principles.
Time management is probably one of the most important tools used to create a successful and productive work life. Taking a hard look at how work time is spent and wasted is a valuable tool for any professional. Discovering ways to make time at work more effective makes the employee for valuable and productive, and in a time where job security is at a low, productivity is one of the things an employee can do to make themselves less vulnerable to layoff and downsizing. Management is going to get rid of less effective employees and hang on to more effective and productive employees.