Condom Distribution in High Schools

Analyzes the differing viewpoints regarding condom distribution in high schools.

For years, the debate over distribution of contraceptives, mainly condoms, within high schools has been a hotly contested issue among law and policy makers, school officials, parents, and students. New studies and research projects have uncovered indisputable proof of the benefits of condom distribution in schools. This paper examines the above-mentioned data and provides an analysis of the current political, social, and medicinal advantages such contraceptive distribution programs provide.
“At the heart of the debate of Condom Distribution is the fear that, by making condoms available in schools, it encourages increased sexual activity among teens. Several studies have been conducted to examine whether or not this phenomenon occurs. One such study (Blake, S. M., Ledsky, R., Goodenow, C., Sawyer, R., Lohrmann, D., and Windsor, R. 2003) took place in 1991 in Massachusetts. Massachusetts instituted a policy allowing condoms to be distributed in its public schools as a way to prevent the spread of the AIDS virus and other sexually transmitted diseases. Opponents of the program claimed it would lead to a higher level of sexual activity among teens. The results of the study revealed quite the opposite.”