Financial Ratio

Financial Ratio
Stefon Brown
August 22, 2011
Saleena Frazier

Financial Ratio

I have attempted to calculate the Current and Debt ratios, together with the Profit margin and the ROA for Riordan Manufacturing and compare them to Ball Corporation a manufacturer of metal and plastic packaging, for beverages, foods and household products.
Current Ratio
As you know, the Current Ratio is defined within the Understanding Financial Information and Accounting chapter (18), Nickels, W.G, McHugh, J.M and McHugh, S.M (2004) is defined as the ratio of Riordan Manufacturing as current assets to its current liabilities.
Current ratio = Current assets / Current liabilities
Over the period of 2004 through 2005 the company has shown a decrease of .34% in Current ratio from 2.43% (04) to 2.09% (05), which compares to a similar decrease for Ball Corp. from 125% (04) to 104% (05) a decrease of 21%
Debt Ratio
The GAAP has defined the Debt Ratio as the following.
Debt Ratio = Total Debt / Total Assets
Using the Total Liabilities as the Total Debt and using the Total Assets over the same two year period, Riordan Manufacturing as debt ratio is has remained rather stable with only a .2% increase from 35.9% (04) to 36.1% (05) which compares to a larger increase of 12% from 204% (04) to 216% (05) for the Ball Corp.
Profit Margin
The GAAP has defined the Profit Margin as the following.
Profit Margin = Net Income / Sales
Using the Net Profit After Taxes as the Net Income and using the Sales over the same two year period, Riordan Manufacturing as profit margin has remained rather stable with only a slight .5% decrease from 4.3% (04) to 3.8% (05) which seems to track the slight decrease of .9% using the Total Revenues, and Net Income, figures from the Income Statement for the Ball Corp. resulting in 5.4% (04) to 4.5% (05).
The GAAP has defined the Return on Assets as the following.
ROA = Net Income / Average Total Assets
Again using the Net Profit After Taxes as the Net Income and using the Total Assets over the same two year period, Riordan Manufacturing profit margin has remained rather stable with only a slight .2% decrease from 5.8% (04) to 5.6% (05) which seems to show a better position than the larger decrease of 2.4% using the Current Assets, and Net Income, figures from the Income Statement for the Ball Corp. resulting in 23.7% (04) to 21.3% (05).
Average P/E
The GAAP has defined the P/E as the following.
P/E = Market Value per Share / Earnings per Share
Using the Net of treasury shares $ amount shown on the Balance Sheet divided by the 20,000,000 shares authorized as the Earnings per Share and using the Stated par value of $.01 which has gone unchanged over the same two year period, Riordan Manufacturing as profit margin has remained at .6% which is well within the slight decrease of 0.2% using the P/E Ratio, figures from the Ratio Statement for the Ball Corp. resulting in 16.9% (04) to 16.7% (05). 2004&2005

Information and Accounting chapter (18), Nickels, W.G, McHugh, J.M and McHugh, S.M