European History Quarterly

An analysis of the journal “European History Quarterly” which focuses on a wide range of political and historical issues in Europe and the United Kingdom from the beginning of the Renaissance through to the present.

The paper analyzes the first three issues of the journal in 2002 by explaining the focus of the journal, how the articles are written and the attitudes of the writers and editors. The general tone and content of the journal is discussed and eight specific articles are then examined. The inclusion of review articles and book reviews is also analyzed.
“Ander Cendargortagalarza’s The Transformation of Political Behavior in the Basque Country: Nationalism and Politics in Bermeo, 1898-1936 offers an example in relatively recent European history of the politicization of a society (of precisely the type that Conway warns against) as a Basque nationalist identity was crafted through the process of a variety of forms of propagandistic activity.”