Endangered Animals

This paper examines causes and possible solutions to the problem of endangered animals.

This paper examines causes and possible solutions to endangered animals. The author examines endangered animals from man’s past and present interactions. The author seeks alternatives that will allow man to work with nature instead of against it.
On the surface, it appears that things are going quite well for mankind. Human beings are the masters of this domain and are unchallenged by any other being in nature. In the vast scheme of things, man has radically disrupted the instinctive orders of existence and natural selection and progression. Man has lost the capacity to foresee and to forestall. Man is becoming too ingenious for his own good. His approach to nature is to beat it into submission. Man would stand a better chance of survival if he would try to accommodate himself to the planet and view it appreciatively instead of skeptically and dictatorially. Man needs to realize he is a part of nature and therefore his war on nature is a war against himself. Man must start trying to work with nature instead of against nature.