Education in Prison

This paper examines the history, objectives, legal requirements, conditions and effectiveness of several projects that deal with education in correctional institutions including the role of education in rehabilitation, inmate-teaching, street law and reme

This research will examine the history, objectives and effectiveness of several projects that deal with education in correctional institutions. Many of these programs have been instituted by universities for both research and philanthropic reasons how to write secondary application essays for medical school. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill studied prisoner’s opinions regarding the system and its effectiveness. Inmates were instructed on the criminal justice system and its methodology. Learning was accomplished by working together and thinking through the ideas presented. A Georgetown University law professor began teaching street-law classes which caught on in correctional facilities across the country.

Government-sponsored programs have been in effect for many years. In the 1800’s, institutions such as Elmira in New York were established to provide education for the rehabilitation of …