
This paper discusses the e-marketing strategies for Sony Electronics Company, FedEx, and UPS as presented on their websites.

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This paper explains that the Sony’s non-personal communication with the consumer is through their Internet site, using Internet communication and interaction to access, gain information and physically view Sony products. The author points out that sonystyle.com uses the AIDA model of e-marketing to generate attention, interest, desire, and action to the consumer. The paper stresses that the first priority in choosing each site’s feature is accessibility, which is the primary consideration when a potential customer wants to acquaint himself or herself with the company’s products and services or transact a shipment order online.
Personal selling in the Sony web site takes in the form of the online consumer support, where Sony representatives provide online consumers a more personal interaction and information exchange about the company’s products and services, and ongoing financial promos. This takes the place of personal selling, where face-to-face or person-to-person interaction is needed. Since the Internet is a multimedia form of communication, consumers and Sony representatives can involve in product orientation and product sales promotion and negotiation online.