E-Business Supply Chain Software

This paper discusses the use of software to solve problems in companies categorized as “supply chain”, multiple, mass-market stores that supply various items usually at a discount.

This paper discusses i2, which is a value chain management software to control transportation and distribution that is used at Best Buy and IBM WebSphere which is an open infrastructure software to improve the e-business infrastructure and improve customer service that is used at Home Depot. The paper details these software companies and the supply chains featured.This paper includes a glossary of terms.

Table of Contents
Best Buy and i2’s Transportation and Distribution Management Software
Home Depot and IBM WebSphere Open Infrastructure Software
i2 was founded in 1988 by Sanjiv Sidhu and Ken Sharma. It started based out of a small 2-bedroom apartment in Dallas where the first program was written. Since then i2 has grown to earn more than $1 billion in revenues. They have 40 offices worldwide where they employ a total of 4,890 employees. Currently i2 has more than 1,000 customers and 500 deployments in 2001. That same year they reported a pro forma net loss of $149,013,000. This is not uncommon, at this time, for many companies are currently experiencing losses due to the slump in today’s economy.