Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program

An evaluation of the DARE program which educates youth against drug abuse.

This paper offers information on the origins and unique features of the DARE program. The paper then examines the research on the effectiveness of this program and on praise and criticisms parents have had. The paper considers the recommendations people have for the program and concludes with the recommendations of this author.
“The DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program, developed in 1983 by Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl Gates, is currently operating in more than one-half of all U.S. school districts. It is used in some form in every U.S. state, as well as in 13 foreign countries. The primary objectives of DARE are the prevention of substance abuse among school children, and to assist them to develop effective gang and violence resistance techniques. The program is the collaborative effort of many groups – law enforcement officers, teachers, parents, students, and the entire community to either prevent or reduce drug abuse and violence among youth. This program is highly praised for its effectiveness, but has also been subjected to several serious criticisms. This paper, intended primarily as an evaluation of the program, includes the results of a study of DARE sponsored by the University of Maryland Institute of Criminal Justice and Criminology. The program has been implemented in all grades, with definite positive results.”