Death and Taxes

Describes the history of taxation in the United States.

This paper describes and details the introduction and history of taxes in America. The paper talks about the inception of taxes, their changes over the years, and the current situation of taxation.
“Taxes come in all shapes and forms. From federal to state, sales to excise- almost every purchase or monetary movement has some form of taxation assessed to it. This taxation hasn’t always been so. In the beginning mankind wasn’t taxed- we went about our business and everyone left us alone. However, with the advent of government and then the struggle for power resulting in war, taxes became a prevalent means of raising the funding that the government required to pursue war. Taxes were first introduced in the form of “low tariffs and customs duties on a wide range of goods that produced revenue easily” (PBS par 9). This did not fair well with the lower part of the income earning population “as the “have nots” – or ordinary citizens – realized that these tariffs – that is, taxes on imported goods – were forcing them to pay higher prices, and they pushed for a tax on the wealthy” (PBS par 10). And poof- their wish was granted and income taxes were instituted.”