Databases in Culinary Management

Analysis of culinary management database tools.

This paper analyzes the potential use of databases in the kitchen and looks at the advantages that a specialized database management system could offer to the culinary management sector.
“This online recipe database is to be designed such that people can view the individual recipes and the preparation methods as well create and update their own favorite recipes. Furthermore the company is also interested into using the web as a means of increasing their business by accepting customer orders online and delivering them in a fairly short amount of time. The problem currently faced by the restaurant is that there is no proper integration between the different branches and this results in considerable loss. To avoid this loss there is an immediate need for designing complete recipe management database system. A fully integrated recipe database would facilitate real time information exchange pertaining to the different items. This would allow them to control their schedule with a view to optimizing the production. This is particularly significant for a big chain restaurant like “Funday” where a database system would constitute an effective decision support system.”