Danny in Transit by David Leavitt and Columbia’ by Jacquelyn Park

An examination of the social work concepts (homosexual identity formation and personality development) in characterizations and relationships in two short stories.

This paper examines several concepts relevant to social work study which are raised in two short stories, David Leavitt’s Danny in Transit and Jacquelyn Holt Park’s Columbia. Both stories offer sensitive and unique perspectives on the concept of homosexual identity formation and adolescent personality development. Both illustrate some of the personal and societal barriers faced by an individual coming to terms with a homosexual identity. Danny in Transit also provides insight into the effects of such identity recognition within a family and a boy about to enter adolescence, as he faces the subsequent breakdown of his family. These issues are important to social work because they present challenges, concerns, and prejudices which a contemporary social worker is likely to face in the course of providing help to both clients and their families. As more…