
An analysis of the character Creon in plays written by ancient Greek writer, Sophocles.

The paper shows that within the two plays by the ancient Grecian writer, Sophocles we find two very different men encompassed within one character, Creon the Prince who would become King. It shows that the events that unfold to cause such dramatic change in one mans life come at an extreme cost to all involved, but none greater than Creon himself who failed to learn from history and was truly doomed to repeat it.
“In the prologue of Act one of Oedipus Rex (Oedipus the King) we meet Creon, prince of Thebes and brother to Jocasta. Creon essentially is a man of virtue in high standing within the community, third in line for the throne although he shows no desire to ascend to the seat of power. Creon appears to be a man of high moral and religious character depicted by the fact that Oedipus had commissioned him to go to Apollo to ascertain the cause of the plague that had descended upon the city of Thebes. He showed not only did he have the ability to converse with the god, but he was also a trusted friend to not only the city but to Oedipus as well in word and in deed diligently bringing forth the information needed to purge Thebes of the plague (91 – 95).”