Corrective Thinking Rehabilitation Program

A behavioral study of inmates who are currently and have participated in a Corrective Thinking Rehabilitation Program.

This paper provides in-depth research into this program being used in a prison in Lebanon, Ohio. It examines a new model currently being tested to help inmates at one correctional center break down the destructive ways of behaving that have earned them imprisonment. The paper provides an analysis into the social behavior, mental condition and personal emotions of inmates who have undergone this program and attempts to examine if the program is effective. It explain what the program entails, which tries to change a prisoner’s behavior and thought process.

Literature Review
Statement of Problem
Statement of Purpose
Statement of Need
Statement of Assumptions
Statement of Limitations
Corrective Thinking sessions are the heart of the program. This section discusses the theoretical basis for the structuring of these sessions within the framework of established psychological theory and practice.
Each session is governed by the following five mandatory specification:
No display of disrespect from or toward anyone.
A clearly defined set of goals for each meeting.
Establishment at the beginning of each session of a common ground (which is the achievement of the desired goal) between participants and facilitators.
Explicit agreements between facilitators and participants that they will try to accomplish something beyond the (minimum) stated goals.
A clear designation of the responsibility of each of the participants and facilitators.

The model of behavioral change currently being tested at this center also specifies a series of guidelines that should be adhered to in every Corrective Thinking Session.