Consumerism and Behavioral Patterns

An analysis of how consumerism affects our behavioral patterns.

This paper examines how many feel that consumerism is a pattern of behavior that may be destroying our environment, financial health, and our self-esteem. It attempts to answer the question of whether we should be buying more or less and whether we shop because that is what humans were meant to do, even though manufacturers, retailers, and advertisers feel we as a nation should buy more. It details the opinions of three authors, Michael Schudson, Elayne Rapping, and Juliet B. Shors, in regard to these questions. It shows how each of these authors has an opinion or view about the topic of consumerism and how, within their essays, they point out both the good and the bad and how they feel we, as a society, should consider consumerism.
“As our society puts in more hours at work and has less of a home life, one must consider the questions of why we humans sacrifice so much for something that is actually not enjoyable and are we over shopping? As the Christmas trees yearn for newly wrapped presents throughout America, we should all wonder do we really need all of that new stuff? Harvard economics professor Juliet B. Schor thinks not. In her opinion, we Americans have been and will continue to be tricked into thinking that we as a nation need more of everything. The car has a few too many miles on it, well, we need a new one. If Schor is right, who created this consumerist need for more goods and services in us? Consumerism, based on Schors? thinking, has been created by the capitalists who need to manufacturer goods and services. Once made, those items need to be sold.”