Communication in Prison

A paper on the violent life of inmates in southeastern prisons.

This paper discusses and graphically describes how life in prisons has become the life of crime itself. The paper reveals that violence remains the primary language of communication in the prison environment, with bribes playing an important role in relations with guards. The paper points out how necessary it is for prison education and “correctional programs” to incorporate courses that would teach people how to communicate in the city when they leave this jungle.
“Here is a bit of trivia to boggle your mind. There actually are no prisons in the United States of America. There is no prison department. And, there are no prisoners. There are no political prisoners, of course you can’t accept to have that in a perfect democracy. There are however a large number of inmates, getting through with their lives in several correctional facilities. These inmates are exposed to educational programs, vocational training and psychiatric therapy, which is all a part of a broad correctional program.
All these terms suggest a lot to the thinking mind. For instance they refer to the light years of distance that separates reality and theory exercised in bundles of law documents and political statements. Essentially in a free country prisons are supposed to be just that, correctional facilities. No body should have the right to lock any other person up, in a democratic society. In such one can only justify prisons by referring to them as the theoretical idealization that is prevalent in the public mind.