Cisco Systems

An analysis of the strategic management employed at Cisco Systems to boost the company.

This paper discusses how Cisco has shifted its strategy and has cultivated its internal strengths that it leveraged in order to reclaim its market dominance. The paper outlines four core components that are the pillar of Cisco’s strength – organization, finance, marketing and operations. Each component is examined in the paper.
Cisco Systems, the self-proclaimed worldwide leader in networking for the Internet, has dominated similar firms in its industry. As Wall-Streets’ beloved stock and an essential stock in any investor’s portfolio, with over 35,566 employees worldwide and boasting revenues totaling 22.2 billion in the previous fiscal year the company aims to ensure that networks both public and private operate with maximum performance, security, and flexibility. As a result the competition is left scrambling to keep up. Like many other market leaders, Cisco Systems too, has become a victim of the current economic state that once propelled the company into the limelight.