Christian Counseling

A review of the book “Laugh Again” by Charles R. Swindoll, including an in-depth analysis of Christian counseling through humor.

This paper analyzes Charles R. Swindoll’s approach to humor as a curative power, through his book Laugh Again. The paper focuses on the Christian perspective of using humor as a tool for counseling. A comprehensive discussion of the book is provided, including relevant excerpts. Swindoll’s style of writing is thoroughly examined and his ideas are clearly presented.
“There is an idea of longstanding that humor has power as a curative. The Reader’s Digest has long had a section entitled Laughter: The Best Medicine, reflecting an old saying about this issue. In his book Laugh Again, Charles R. Swindoll approaches this idea from a Christian perspective, recognizing the many ills and sadness to which life is subject and finding in humor and laughter the means to overcome these ills and banish these sadness. The author makes his intention clear in the Introduction when he says, This book is about joy (11). He wants people to relax more, release tension, and refuse to let negative circumstances dominate their thinking. Swindoll says we can all remember when life was joyful if we think back to our childhood, as he recalls his: I neither expected much nor needed much. Life was to be enjoyed, not endured, and therefore every day I found something anything to laugh about (11). This was true even though he came from a poor family of five, suggesting that it is a condition of childhood and not related to social class or family situation, at least economic situation.”