Childhood Rape

Explores the long-term effects of rape using the book, “Prince of Tides”, for reference.

The writer of this paper examines the topic of childhood rape through the storyline of the book, “Prince of Tides”, and explores research into long-term effects of rape, focusing on childhood rape. How childhood rape affects a person as an adult is the central theme of this paper.
“For many years troubled adults were ignored or punished for their mental state. Adults who had been raped as children were expected to just “get over it” or “move past it”. Society did not connect the fact that the adult had been raped as a child with the problems occurring in adulthood. These adults would display instability in many ways when it came to conducting their lives. In recent history therapists have begun to understand the very real long lasting effect that childhood rape has on the lives of the adult victims. In the story Prince of Tides by Pat Connery the issue of rape effects are explored and explained in the plot. While the book itself is fiction it is a truthful and honest account of the negative impact childhood rape has on the victim when the victim enters and lives in adulthood.”