Childhood Aggression in Developmental Pathways

How childhood aggression is developed throughout life and its effects on adult life.

This paper discusses how aggressive children often develop into aggressive adults. It examines the socio-economic factors that could cause a child to be aggressive, as well as psychological factors which impact on this form of behavior. It shows how aggressive adolescents, if treated in time, will overcome this antisocial behavior and develop into normal and productive adults.
“Kokko and Pulkkinen (2000) addressed two main research problems in the study of aggression in childhood and long-term unemployment in adulthood. First, they studied whether childhood aggression begins a cycle of maladaptation that results in an erratic work-life with cumulative continuity. In this cycle of maladaptation, they hypothesized that a link between childhood aggression and adolescent school maladjustment would be particularly critical because poor school achievement has been shown to predict subsequent problems in the work domain. Second, they investigated whether there are protective factors that buffer the relation between aggression in childhood and long-term unemployment in adulthood. They hypothesized that pathways between aggression and long-term unemployment would differ depending on the level of child-centered parenting and pro-social, particularly constructive, behavior.”