Chicago ’68

This paper reviews David Farbers Chicago ’68.

This paper discusses protesters versus the protectors of social order from Chicago ’68 by David Farber. The author looks at how the conventional protest and the protectors of social order are told from three significant perspectives. The writer illustrates how Farber maintains a capturing vernacular throughout each of the opening chapters, and saves his own examination of the evidence presented in his analyses chapters.
The term Yippie could be defined as the combination of the New Left activism with Hippie ideology. Farber starts the initial chapter out by examining some of the biographical information of the Hoffmans and Jerry Rubin. We learn that Hoffman and Rubin, as well as Nancy Kurshan and Paul Krassner are not adolescents. These persons are in fact all over the age of thirty when they choose to adopt the lifestyle of a Yippie. Hoffman is described as a rebel by David Farber, but it is made clear that Hoffman still maintained values.

After high school, Hoffman went off to Brandeis University then to Berkeley for his post-baccalaureate studies. Farber goes on to discuss Hoffman’s family, describing them as middle class Jews. Hoffman says, ?My parents got sucked into the social melting pot, where they were to simmer uncomfortably for the next thirty years (Farber, p. 5).? From this we can begin to understand Hoffman’s early confusion when confronted with yeshiva and the reform Temple Emanuel.