Chapter 1 Introduction Study Habit of Grade11 Student in Apolonio Samson National High School towards Science Education has a major role in developing students to gain a new skills

Chapter 1
Study Habit of Grade11 Student in Apolonio Samson National High School towards Science
Education has a major role in developing students to gain a new skills, information, knowledge and the way responds of learning environment it makes integrated learning
The intention of education is to practice and train every learners on how to make an answer to the problems that they may encounter and it apply what they learned inside the classroom in serious situations. Being successful students they used time management system to break down their activities based on their schedule they make.
According to many study it can affect the factors is indicate the learnersperformance. If the students gain a high grades indicate lesser learning. It may affects many factors gender, IQ, age, year level and study habits etc.
Most of existing environmental and personal factors are variable of academic performance. (Lorie,2013)
According to Lorie 2013, both environmental and personal factors can be a variables in academic performance. The reason why education is important because the knowledge they learned inside the classroom it can be apply in real life situations and provide a solution in every problems and they encounter in the future.
The researcher could like to determine the study habits of grade 11 students in apolonio Samson national high school towards science.