Colins College

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E-Business to Consumer Review

admin | April 23, 2015

A report that reviews the web sites of companies currently using B2C (Business to Consumer) models.

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Aftermath of Child Molestation

admin | April 23, 2015

This paper examines the aftermath of child molestation in detail and focuses on the short and long term effects of the crime on the victim.

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An Analysis of the 14th Century

admin | April 23, 2015

This paper examines the 14th Century, part of the Middle Ages as they were more commonly referred to in history.

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The Importance of Being Fluent in English

admin | April 23, 2015

A paper which studies just how important it is to be fluent in the English language, especially in the United States.

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Radio Journalism

admin | April 23, 2015

A look at why the radio journalism industry has experienced a slight deterioration in the past 30 years.

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Quakerism in the 17th and 18th Centuries

admin | April 23, 2015

An examination of Quakerism and assimilation into American society.

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How Stress is Affecting Society

admin | April 23, 2015

A look at work stress and how it affects society.

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Sounds for a System: Phonemes in the English Language

admin | April 23, 2015

This paper discusses the reason for the limited number of phonemes in the English language and how phonemes are added and lost from the language.

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