Career Development

An account of an interview with a high school guidance counselor concerning student testing and performance.

This paper outlines the responses of a Oklahoma high school guidance counselor to an interview regarding the methods of testing students in preparation for their decisions for the future. The paper describes the various testing methods available in the local school, and discusses the guidance counselor’s opinion of these methods. The counselor’s suggestions for improvement are illustrated in the paper.
“The school is serious in its intentions to develop high-quality standards for students. “In 1999 Priority Academic Student Skills curriculum (PASS), originally established in 1993, has been revised to clarify and provide more specific content guidelines” (NCTAF 2). This allows for different levels of performance in writing, reading, and mathematics. In some states, such as Oklahoma, if a student does not do well on the PASS, then he is not able to obtain his drivers license. Oklahoma requires that the student do well on a reading comprehension test that is given in the eighth grade or they cannot obtain their drivers license.”