Business Process Reengineering

Explains the concept of synchronizing business and technology to improve the business process, and examines three companies that tried to implement such a plan but failed.

Synchronizing business technology planning for harmonious operations offers unique opportunities for change. The idea of synchronizing business and technology planning to improve business processes seems to be a simple concept. The leaders of an organization build a business plan and set goals to be reached in a specific time period. They identify methods to achieve the goals (strategies and tactics), ways to measure achievement, and then communicate the plan to their organizations. All corporate activities become focused on achieving the goals. Assessments and mid-course corrections are made and achievements measured. The cycle of planning, communication, action, and assessment becomes an ongoing process. The process fails when the corporation fails to integrate one or another aspect of the plan. FoxMeyer, Grey Hound and Adidas are three companies that implemented BPR and failed.