Burial Rituals

A comparative analysis of the funerary rituals of the ancient Egypt, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, and Tibetan Buddhism.

This paper examines how burial rituals or funerary customs in other cultures are as unique and different as the cultures themselves and how, in every culture, when death occurs, the body is usually buried or cremated respectfully to honor the person that passed on. It looks at how different cultures have different beliefs regarding what happens to a person after they die and how, in general, most cultures believe that one’s soul leaves the body and goes on to another world or to become another creature. In particular, it shows how a culture’s belief of what happens to the soul affects the manner in which the dead are prepared or disposed through analysis of the burial rituals of several different cultures and religions.

Tibetan Buddhists
“An Egyptian funeral began at the house of the deceased early in the morning. By the time that the funeral began the person had already been mummified (Taylor 114). The mummification process itself was a very long process that lasted on an average of seventy days or more (Mims 197). The mummification was completed in order to preserve the body so that when it’s soul came looking for the body it would be recognizable (Arriaza 123). They would be carried from their house by servants through town and across the Nile in a procession that would end at their tomb (Taylor 115). During the procession food would be handed out and professional mourners were hired to mourn the dead (Taylor 114).”